The Sleepiest and Best Bedtime Book Website Ever! (Complete with sleep tips!)
Night-night, Body!
by Ted Scheu (Author) and Pete Gergely (Illustrator)
Dear Sleepers of All Ages,
Welcome to our snoozy website for our sleepy new book—the sleepiest and best bedtime book ever! We hope you spend a minute or eleven here to learn about our book, to learn a teeny-weenie-jelly-beany bit about us and how we made this super-snoozy treasure, find a few answers to your questions about absolutely everything in the world (well, about sleep)—like how do they say “Night-night” in Brazil or Japan? And why sleep is so important for our bodies!
Oh, and before you turn out the light, you can even BUY OUR BOOK HERE, too! Or do it in the morning.
Take care, polar bears!
Happy snoozing and choosing!
Ted & Pete