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(FYI, 10% of sales are going to the wonderful children’s literacy non-profit, “Reach Out and Read.” Yippee and Thanks!)

We've Got Questions for You!

Before we ask you for your questions, Pete and I have a couple or 22 for you. You may have found some of these at the back of our book (you smarty-pants), but here they are again, plus a few more.

Oh, and in case you are a teeny-weeny bit curious about the answer to Question #5, our answer is down below the questions…

(Pssst... You don't have to send us your answers. Just keep them in your brilliant brain, okay? And if you don't know the answers, look ‘em up, or ask someone!)

  1. What do you and your family always do at bedtime? Do kids around the world do the same bedtime things as you, do you think?

  2. Do you usually have a bedtime story? Do you share your cozy-wozy bed with a brother or sister, or a favorite stuffed (or real!) animal?

  3. What are your favorite bedtime stories (besides "Night-night, Body" of course!)?

  4. Where would you like to visit (and probably sleep!) in the world someday?

  5. How many kids, grown-ups, and stuffed (and real!) animals can you count in our story? (See our answer below! Don't be a sneaky-pants. Count on your own first!)

  6. Do you have any ideas for stories that you could write and illustrate? What a silly question. Of course, you do! Well, get busy!

  7. Do you think sleep is important for our bodies? Why? Or why not?

  8. What happens to our amazing bodies when we are sleeping?

  9. Do you remember your dreams when you first wake up?

  10. What do you usually dream about? Are they good or bad dreams? (If you have bad dreams, it's important to share them with someone you trust.)

  11. Why do you think we have dreams, anyway?

  12. Pretend your body parts can talk (like mine do). What would they tell you? Ask each one!

  13. Maybe you and your friends (real or imaginary ones) can put on a play, with all the body parts talking to each other! Would they be kind, mean? Would they argue, or be bossy? Or silly? Try to use a different voice for each part! Which body parts would have the lowest and highest voices?

  14. Do you think animals dream? (My dogs used to play tag with squirrels when they dreamed. At least that's what they told me.)

  15. Could a person ever be so tired that they could fall asleep while standing up?

  16. Do any animals sleep while standing up?

  17. What can all of us do to help kids (and there are lots) who go to sleep hungry?

  18. Can you draw a picture of your bed and stuffed animals? You can? Cool!

  19. How do sleep scientists find out what happens in our brains when we are sleeping?

  20. When you are really-really-really tired, do you have any tricks for staying awake? Maybe watch a scary movie? (I really-really don't like scary movies. Or violent ones.)

  21. In some places in the world, grown-ups all take naps in the middle of the day. Why do they do that? Pete and I would looooove to do that!

  22. Last question (for now): Can you think of any good questions that we can add to this list? Send them to us HERE on the "What's On Your Sleepy Mind?" page. Thanks!

"Wait! Ted and Pete, what's the answer to question 5? I have to know. Right now!"

Oh, thanks for reminding me. Did you count? Carefully? I sure hope so.

Here's what Pete and I counted:

Kids: 88
Adults: 45
Not-alive animals: 34
Real animals: 49

Amazing, I know.

Pete, how did you pack so much detail into your illustrations?! Wowie, Zowie!

If you didn't get the same numbers as we did, you'd better count again! If you got more than we did, let us know how wrong we are. Send us an email using the contact form on the next page.

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